Sunday 16th July 2pm
Abington Pigotts is all set for its summer fete full of family-friendly fun and games
Every year the village fete takes a good deal of planning and plenty of hard work behind the scenes. The result is always a great day and the organisers would like to say a massive “Thank You” to all who help, participate and visit to make it such a wonderful afternoon.
St Michael & All Angels church will provide the backdrop to Abington Pigotts’ summer fete where there will be live music, a barbecue, a bar serving a variety of drinks including Pimm’s and real ale, tea and cake tent, traditional fete games, classic cars, craft and produce market, homemade cakes and so much more.
The fete’s organising committee says: “The fete is a long-standing tradition of this beautiful village and is a really great day out of fun, family-friendly fete games, like turkey bowls, Plot a Poo and the highly competitive egg throwing competition!”
The fete starts at 2pm on Sunday. There’s plenty of parking in an adjacent field and well signposted once entering the village. Proceeds go to the church and the village hall.
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