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March Planning Policy update

March Planning Policy Monthly Update

Local Plan – Hearings Programme Update (latest, 16 Feb 2015)

The Inspector has now published an updated programme for the Local Plan examination hearings, which includes the dates for a further block of hearings to be held in April 2015. The Inspector has also published the matters and issues she wishes to discuss at the hearings.

This new block of hearings (block 4) will cover Areas of Major Change and Major Development Sites on the Edge of Cambridge. These hearings will last for a week and can be summarised as:

Matter 9 – Areas of Major Change and Major Development Sites

Tues 28 April Matter 9A – General Principals, West Cambridge, North West Cambridge (note: this is the NIAB/Darwin Green sites) and Orchard Park
Wed 29 April Matter 9B – Cambridge East and South of Coldham’s Lane
Thurs 30 April Matter 9C – Cambridge Northern Fringe East

Both documents can be viewed on the Council’s website:

We will notify you when future updates are made to the hearings programme, matters and issues and we will continue to include updates on the Local Plan examination in the Planning Policy Monthly Update.

Local Plan – Hearings Programme Update

The Inspector has now published an updated programme for the Local Plan examination hearings, which includes the dates for the next blocks of hearings to be held in February and March 2015. The Inspector has also published the matters and issues she wishes to discuss at the hearings.

Block 2 will cover Green Belt and Transport. Block 3 will cover Housing Land Supply and Delivery and will also finish the outstanding issues on Infrastructure / Monitoring / Viability (Matter 5) that were not considered in the first block of hearings in November.

Both documents can be viewed on the Council’s website:

The Block 2 hearings will last two weeks and can be summarised as:

Matter 6 – Green Belt:

 Tues 10 February Matter 6A – Green Belt – Joint session(Note: this will cover issues in relation to the approach taken to the Green Belt in the Local Plans – it will not include consideration of individual sites)
Wed 11 February Matter 6B – Cambridge – Green Belt boundary changes(Note: this will consider all issues relating to the allocations in the Cambridge Local Plan at Worts Causeway housing sites and two Fulbourn Road sites west of ARM)
Thurs 12 February Matter 6C – South Cambs – Green Belt boundary changes(Note: this will consider all issues relating to land at Fulbourn Road east of ARM. The proposed change to the Green Belt at NIAB3 will be considered with the NIAB2 site specific hearing in due course)


Matter 7 – Transport:

 Tues 17 February No hearing programmed
Wed 18 February Matter 7A – Joint session(Note: this will include consideration of whether all essential transport schemes are identified in the Local Plans and whether it is clear how they will be delivered, and whether the plans will encourage the use of sustainable modes of transport)
Thurs 19 February Matter 7B – Cambridge transport issuesMatter 7C – South Cambs transport issues(Note: for both plans this includes parking standards)

The Block 3 hearings will last a week and can be summarised as:


Matter 8 – Housing Land Supply and Delivery:

 Tues 17March Matters 8A & 8B – Housing Land Supply and Delivery – Joint session(Note: this will cover issues in relation to the housing trajectory, five year land supply, windfalls and the City Deal 1,000 extra homes on rural exception sites)
Wed 18March Matters 8A & 8B – Housing Land Supply and Delivery – Joint session(this will be a continuation from the previous day, if necessary)
Thurs 19March (morning) Matter 8C – South Cambs – Housing Land Supply(Note: this will consider whether the more sustainable villages should make an increased contribution to housing supply)


Matter 5 – Infrastructure / Monitoring / Viability:

Thurs 19 March (afternoon Matter 5 – Infrastructure / Monitoring / Viability – Joint session(Note: this will consider the outstanding issues that were not considered in the first block of hearings in November )

Please note that the Inspector has said that she will not be sending out notifications of future updates to the programme and is expecting that anyone that has said they wish to appear or is interested in observing should regularly check themselves.

Please see below the regular parish newsletters provided by South Cambs Council.

November 2014 Parish ebulletin

January 2015 Parish ebulletin

March 2015 Parish ebulletin


Parish bulletins are now published exclusively online. You can look these up here or use the button below.

Parish bulletins