Taken from the S. Cambs website:
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Public consultation is taking place on the Cambridge Northern Fringe East Issues and Options Report from 8 December until 5pm on Monday 2 February 2015.
Cambridge City Council and South Cambridgeshire District Council are considering the future of the Cambridge Northern Fringe East (CNFE) area, which is one of the most important brownfield regeneration opportunities in the Greater Cambridge area. The proposed new railway station, due to open in 2016, provides a catalyst for an exciting opportunity to create a high quality employment led mixed use development.
To ensure that the area is look at comprehensively, the Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire Local Plans (submitted in March 2014) propose the preparation of an Area Action Plan. We need your help in developing this plan and so we are seeking your views on the issues to be considered and the options for how the area should be developed.
The Issues & Options Report is available to download using the links below (see consultation documents). It is supported by an Interim Sustainability Appraisal, which explores the potential impacts of the development options.
Full details are available at www.scambs.gov.uk/cnfeaap
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